1. The Fellow Prentices at their Looms, 1747 rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír 267 × 348 mm

William Hogarth: Ipar és semmittevés

péntek, szeptember 09, 2011 rezkarcfitness 0 Comments

1. The Fellow Prentices at their Looms, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

2. The Idle one brought before him Imp each by his Accomplice, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

3. The Idle Prentice at Play in the Church Yard during Divine Service, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

4. The Industrious Prentice a Favourite and entrusted by his Master, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

5. The Idle Prentice turned away and sent to Sea, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

6. The Industrious Prentice out of his Time Married to his Master's Doughter, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

7. The Idle Prentice return from Sea in a Garret with a common Prostitute, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

8. The Industrious Prentice grown rich Sheriff of London, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

9. The Idle Prentice betray by his Whore taken in a Night Cellar with his Accomplice, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

10. The Industrious Prentice Alderman of London the Idle one brought before him Imp each by his Accomplice, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
267 × 348 mm

10. The Idle Prentice Executed at Tyburn, 1747
rézkarc, rézmetszet, papír
270 × 404 mm

Képek forrása: www.britishmuseum.org

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